
Best Monash University Information Technology Scholarship

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Monash University Information Technology Scholarship 

 Monash University Information Technology Scholarship, Monash University information technology is an institution of research and education situated in Melbourne, Australia, established in 1958. The name was derived from an academician and war general named John Monash. It is among the most prominent and highest evaluated universities globally renowned for outstanding research and teaching. Monash University was ranked #75 globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020. The university was awarded five stars by Good Universities Guide 2016 for high staff quality and retention of students, as well as research grants. To help students afford education, Monash University offers a variety of scholarships, with over 200 scholarships per year! This article will be focused on the Monash University Information Technology Scholarship.


Monash University offers one of Australia’s biggest selections of degree programs, comprising over 140 of the most innovative double-degree options, masters, bachelor’s, and doctoral degrees. With campuses across Australia, Malaysia, China, India and Italy, Monash students have the opportunity to learn about other cultures, thus increasing diversification.


Scholarships in the field of information technology are provided to Monash students. They include:

  • Information Technology Excellence Scholarship
  • Women in Information Technology Scholarship
  • Information Technology Postgraduate Scholarship
  • Information Technology Indigenous Merit Scholarship
  • Information Technology International Merit Scholarship


The best part about these scholarships is that they are provided automatically to students who are in those in the IT field. That means there isn’t any need to submit an additional application. Eligible students will be assessed automatically. The scholarships are based on different qualifications, and the number of awards given is also different. This article will give you everything you must be aware of about these scholarships.


Information Technology Excellence Scholarship

The award is designed for students with high achievement who plan to pursue one or two degrees at Monash University. Monash Faculty of Information Technology. To be qualified for this scholarship, you must attain an ATAR of 95.00 or a weighted average mark of 80 for a diploma qualification. This scholarship is only open to New Zealand and Australian Citizens. The award is given to the top-performing candidates. They must maintain a minimum distinction average (70 per cent or more) to be eligible for the award. They are given each year $6000 for a maximum of 4 years.


Women in Information Technology Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for young, talented women who want to pursue a degree in Information Technology in the course at Monash University. This scholarship is based on merit for women who have achieved high grades and plan for an undergrad degree from Monash within Information Technology. The award is open to New Zealand citizens, Australian permanent residents, and international students. The scholarship is worth $6,000 to 50 students every year.


Information Technology Postgraduate Scholarship

The scholarship is for students who continue to pursue postgraduate studies focusing on Information Technology. It is awarded based on academic excellence, so continuing students must be able to complete a minimum of 18 but not more than 24 credit hours of study and an average Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 80 to be eligible for the award. The scholarship is available just to Australian citizens and New Zealand citizens. $6,000 will be awarded to cover annual tuition fees until the minimum scores are met, and the degree has been completed.


Information Technology Indigenous Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is only available to Australian citizens who are that are deemed worthy. It is intended for students from indigenous backgrounds who have demonstrated significant academic achievement. Students who are currently taking classes in IT in Monash or planning to study there might qualify for the award. Students must maintain the minimum Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of 60 every semester to keep the award. A total of $6000 is given annually to two students.

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Information Technology International Merit Scholarship

The scholarship is intended for international students studying in the IT field with high academic standing. Students must keep an average of credits (60 per cent) every semester to keep the award. Students at the beginning of their studies can transfer the scholarship to a different academic session.


How To Get A Scholarship At Monash University

All of these grants do not require an application procedure. Students are automatically eligible for these awards following their academic achievements.


Monash University Scholarship Deadline

There is no set time frame for any of the scholarships mentioned above. The students who satisfy the requirements are awarded scholarships.

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