
Best review of coursera courses 2022

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If you look through hundreds of Best review of coursera courses 2022

online, it’s possible to wonder if the platform is all it’s made out to be. It’s just one of the learning platforms in the dozens of choices for learning. How do you determine

which one of them is the best for you?

Then, in this Coursera Review, we’ll show you all you must be aware of to achieve your life goals and passions by signing up for certificate courses with Coursera.

The related readings: EdX and Coursera the In-Depth Comparison



Best review of coursera courses 2022

Coursera is an internet-based course platform that offers hundreds of courses that can aid you in exploring your passions and broadening your career options.

2012, Coursera was founded in 2012 by Stanford University computer science professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng; Coursera is one of many platforms that provide huge open online courses (MOOC) in addition to degrees professional courses, Coursera specializations, and MasterTrack courses.

If this Coursera review of the course sounds familiar, it’s because it’s by no means the only MOOC provider that is available. Search for a few minutes, and you’ll discover many other choices, such as Udemy, FutureLearn, and many more.

But what distinguishes Coursera against the other competitors is its wide range of content. Princeton University, Stanford University as well, The University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Michigan – some of the most famous schools in the country have been the first ones to provide courses on the platform, providing users with access to the Ivy League’s best education without ever leaving the comfort of their homes or apply to these prestigious institutions.

Since the beginning of its journey with these first partner institutions, Coursera has expanded to include specializations, which are exclusive selections of courses that help students master specific subjects.

The platform also provides degrees and a comprehensive product for developing a workforce available to business and government organizations.

Coursera has partnered with over 200 institutions and universities across the globe in 29 countries. Alongside universities like the University of London, Yonsei University in Korea, Yale University, the University of Illinois, and other top-ranked universities, The platform collaborates with various companies.



How Does Coursera Work?

Each Coursera course runs for four to twelve weeks, with each one comprising one or two hours of weekly video lectures.

Similar to every other course you’d choose to take, you’ll notice that Coursera courses can vary among the options available – some offer tests, assignments graded on a per-grade basis, as well as weekly exercises. In contrast, other courses may have the final exam, final projects, or honors projects!

A lot of courses are offered upon demand. This means you’ll have the time you’d like to finish the class and not have to be concerned about completing it.

There are over 100 courses on demand on Coursera and guided projects. Guided projects are two-three hours of work you can complete at your speed.

It is also possible to earn a full master’s degree through Coursera. It began with an Innovation Master’s Degree and Entrepreneurship, as well as the Master’s of Accounting (the one provided at the University of Illinois). Still, since then, it has grown to provide an MBA and an MS in Computer Science in Data Science.

Features and Functionality

Through Coursera, you’ll be able to gain access to instruction at the college level taught by accredited professors. Contrary to other course platforms run by professors with no particular credentials or experience in the subjects they teach, with Coursera, you’ll have access to real classes taught in brick and mortar institutions.

You’ll be able to enroll in classes at institutions like The University of Michigan, Rice University, Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, Princeton University, and many more.

It is possible to find over 4100 different available courses. It is possible to learn something new, learn new skills, acquire additional knowledge, or develop your skills on critical thought and analytical skills.

The use of Coursera is extremely easy to use. Once you’ve clicked the course you are interested in, you can see details about the course, including the syllabus and an overview of the teacher.

It is possible to determine what subjects will be covered during the course and the timeline expected.

Once you’ve enrolled after registering, you’ll be taken to the course’s homepage, where you’ll be able to view an overview of the week-by-week schedule of the course. For a student, it’s extremely useful. You’ll be able to see the things you can expand on each week and calculate the length of time you’ll need to be prepared to devote to the course before you begin to enroll.

What Type of Courses are Offered on Coursera?

There are five choices of courses when it comes to studying on Coursera.

You can take individual classes, pursue a specification, obtain an advanced certification and MasterTrack award, or obtain an entire degree. Of course, everyone will differ in length, cost, and difficulty.

It is possible to take a class that will teach you the most recent skills needed to succeed in your jobs, such as business analysis, Python, or graphic design. Alternately, you can enroll in higher-quality, longer-lasting courses that can prepare you for a job in highly-demanded fields such as IT cloud engineering or AI. Coursera also offers on-demand education and development programs that large companies could use.

Coursera also offers hundreds of specializations that you can select from. Specializations can be an alternative to individual courses. Instead of just one course, a specialization lets you choose a sequence of classes that focus on the same subject. These specializations are perfect for those with particular goals they wish to achieve in a specific skill set.

A few popular specializations that you could explore are:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Healthcare IT Support
  • Communication Skills for Engineers
  • Data Science Fundamentals
  • AI for Medicine
  • Organizational Change and Culture for Adopting Google Cloud

It is also possible to sign up to earn a professional certification. Professional certificates are more geared towards careers and thorough than the specializations.

They typically require more time (a few months typically) to finish. The certifications are awarded by the organization that provided the course. They contain hands-on assignments that assist you in creating your portfolio. You’ll be able to access industry-accepted qualifications and resources for career assistance while working.

The last alternative can be an option called the MasterTrack Certificate. The Certificate allows students to complete online courses to earn a Master’s degree through classes that can earn them credit in the future.

You’ll be able to attend classes with experts and participate in real-world projects. For instance, Rutgers offers a MasterTrack certification in Supply Chain Excellence, while the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign provides an instructional Design.

The programs are more intense, which means they’re more expensive, and require a longer amount of time (between four and eight months generally) to finish.

The last option to take advantage of through Coursera offers an online bachelor’s degree. A degree earned online through Coursera will be similar to getting a master’s or bachelor’s degree at a campus institution, with fully legitimate accreditation and credits that may be transferred to another institution in the event you choose. The degrees are awarded by accredited partner institutions such as Macquarie University and Arizona State University.

While you’ll be paying more for these courses, you’ll be paying only a tiny fraction of what you’d be paying at campus.

Coursera offers courses in various crucial areas, such as business, computer science, data science, and public health. They don’t stop there, however. You could earn your MBA on the internet or enroll in classes that can aid you in your career advancement in an area related to healthcare. The possibilities are endless!

How to Choose Courses?

With over 4,000 course options available on Coursera, it could not be easy to decide which courses you want to enroll in. Courses are offered by corporations and universities around the globe and comprise lecture material, videos, assignments, and discussion forums.

It is important to decide if you’d like to enroll in an online course for free or prefer to purchase a membership to gain access to more options, such as grades, certificates, and other content (like videos and bonus materials, and many other tools).

Many people upgrade to a paid membership to gain access to the Certificate. It is possible to add the Certificate can also be added on your LinkedIn profile as well as your resume to prove that you have put effort into learning new skills.

If you opt to enroll in an online class for free, you must sign up for an account, register, and then start the class. Some courses will start immediately with the option of working at your speed, and others may have log-in times. Ensure that you’re aware of the prerequisites when signing up.

If you’re planning to spring to pay for a membership, it is necessary to sign up before enrolling in the class and give your credit card details.

How Does Coursera Pricing Work?

There are thousands of free classes available at Coursera. You’ll be able to access an incredible amount of information you can learn at your own pace without needing to pay any fees.

You’ll have to pay fees if you’d like to get an award at the end of the course. The pricing structure can be somewhat confusing. However, there are various options to choose from when considering the most appropriate route.

If you’re only looking to attend one class, purchasing an individual certificate is the most cost-effective and practical option. The cost ranges from $49 to $99 and requires only one payment.

You may also purchase an individual certificate of specialization or a professional certification. They are usually available annually, costing between $39 and $79 per month.

Another alternative is to get another option, a MasterTrack Certificate. It’s where you’ll notice the cost begin to increase. A MasterTrack certificate is typically priced at around $2000; a complete diploma can cost around $15,000.

If that cost appears expensive, keep in mind that if you pursue an educational degree by the traditional method, you’ll have to pay the cost (easily!) at a minimum every period.

If you’re certain you’d like to take many classes through Coursera, but you don’t believe a certificate or degree is appropriate for you. You might be interested in a Coursera Plus subscription. This membership is an excellent option for those who want to broaden their perspectives and learn across various areas.

You can earn certificates by taking classes from various organizations, universities, and businesses. Coursera Plus is new for 2020 and will allow users to take advantage of more than three thousand courses for annual fees, usually around $399.

The Advantages (Pros) of Coursera


One of the main benefits of taking a course on Coursera is that it will not take long to complete.

While the experience for students isn’t the same as it would be were on campus, you’ll get through the course much faster and earn a degree quicker than if you took classes in traditional ways (and it’s much less expensive in the process! ).

But, you may be able to take longer to finish your degree if it will work best for your needs and your timetable, too. Additionally, you don’t need to relocate to another city, leave your job to complete a degree, or complete a single class. The versatility of Coursera is something that should not be missed.

Large Course Selection

You can find thousands of classes you can pick from on Coursera. You can discover classes in almost every field of interest; however, some areas dominate this platform (like technology and business). You can also sign up for or test out some courses at no cost.

Expert-Level Instruction

My favorite thing about Coursera, which I’ve used numerous times in this Coursera review, is that you’ll be learning from instructors who are knowledgeable about their subject. This is not the case for all MOOCs. Many have classes taught by novices or by people who do not necessarily have an education in the subject they’re teaching.

This means that you may not be able to master the material as quickly as you’d like to. This isn’t the situation with Coursera. Coursera provides courses taught by professional instructors, so you don’t need to worry about poor education.

Short But Sweet Assignments and Lectures

Another amazing aspect of Coursera is to do with the way that the videos and lectures are organized. In general, classes are well organized and enjoyable.

The lecturers have plenty of experience in their particular subjects. Because the video lectures on science are brief (most are under half an hour long), You’ll be able to easily navigate the lectures to learn your most important points and then move on to your busy day.

Interactive Platform

I’ve had classes on various platforms for learning previously. One thing I’m not thrilled about is the fact that a lot of platforms are not active.

You can take classes at your own time at your own pace, which is wonderful for scheduling, but it also makes it too easy to be on autopilot when you’re in the class.

It’s not so with Coursera. It’s in a position to navigate through the course materials quickly and efficiently, and you’ll also be able to interact more deeply with the content, instructors, and fellow students. Although the Discussion boards available on Coursera leave some things to be desired – I’ll discuss this in the future. There are plenty of opportunities to collaborate with classmates on assignments, take exams, and converse with your teachers about the course material.


Coursera is among the few online course platforms that allow students to earn certificates that can improve their career prospects. While many platforms offer the option of a certificate, most times, they don’t represent anything and don’t contribute to any progress in the field.

A Coursera certificate, however, could open new avenues. It can be used to transfer to colleges to earn credit, especially in the case of the MasterTrack or degree-granting course. The popularity of these courses will continue to increase as more universities join the platform.

The Disadvantages (Cons) of Coursera

Application Process

One of the most annoying characteristics of Coursera for many students is you aren’t able to select an option, pay for it, and enroll right away. You’ll need to apply for admission to the program you want to be admitted to.

There are a few waiting games involved. While it’s only a small fraction of what it’s going to be to apply and be admitted to a standard university, it’s still a problem that many applicants have to consider.

Not the Best Discussion Boards

Many MOOCs provide discussion boards so students can communicate with one another and instructors regarding the course and other related subjects. Although most Coursera courses have this option, the vast majority of Coursera course reviews state that they are not up to target. This is particularly true for large classes that can be at any time.

Like many other online courses and platforms, one of the most frustrating aspects of taking a class through Coursera is that you’ll have very little interaction with your teachers. While you might be able to have more success when you’re taking a long course on Coursera, which requires you to log in at specific times, the majority of times, the interactions you have with your instructor are only sporadic at the very least.

It’s also not always possible to get feedback. Although you can upgrade and purchase graded assignments, it’s not something you’ll always receive (at least not in-depth). It’s not an all-encompassing solution, which means you don’t necessarily get the feedback you’re looking for on your work.



Larger Variety of Course Options Only in Certain Niches

Like most MOOCs, it appears that certain niches dominate Coursera. Business, technology, and personal growth seem to be the most popular, while you’ll not find many options within Humanities (like studying languages).

Limited Assessment Opportunities

If you’re hoping to complete an assignment only to receive endless pages of information from an instructor, beware. It’s not the case on Coursera. It is common to write essays and receive feedback. However, you won’t receive the detailed feedback you’ll find in a typical course. Sometimes, assignments are self-graded.

Steep Coursera Plus Membership Fee

Coursera Plus is with it if you wish to explore multiple specializations in various areas. But, many consider the cost to be expensive. Although the price of $399 per year can be an issue for many, the positive side is that it can motivate you to attend more classes to make the most of this program!

The Learner’s Perspective

The classes are usually divided into weeks, but the great part about this is that it’s usually an idea and is not a definitive plan. The students have the final say regarding how fast you go throughout the class.

You can complete a five-week course in just five months, or five consecutive days or seven weeks, based on your requirements and your schedule!

As a student, you’ll access many other sources, such as posts, discussion forums, resource pages, Note-taking apps, and much more. You can make notes while you watch lectures on video and even lecture videos with closed captions to aid learners in comprehending.

The Instructor’s Perspective

If you’re planning to teach classes on Coursera, you’ll need to be employed by an institution that is a partner. This differs from the other MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) platforms, where you can instruct or upload your course without accreditation.

This is because Coursera is a very high-quality benchmark for its courses. You have to be an excellent teacher with years of experience and taking part in seminars.


Here you go! Everything you should be aware of about the innovative learning system We hope that our overview of Coursera and all it offers was helpful.

More than 50 million pupils around the world. You don’t need to believe in it – let the numbers speak for themselves.

Coursera is a reliable MOOC option that could assist you in pursuing your goals. It would help if you considered taking a class on this innovative platform now. You’ll be glad you did!


Is Coursera Worth it?

If you’d like to be able to attend several classes to reach your career and personal objectives, think about taking classes through Coursera. The Plus membership is well worth it if you are interested in taking classes on various subjects at your own pace.

Is Coursera Legit?

Being one of the more sought-after and widely used online educational platforms, Coursera is legit.

With more than 5,300 classes that you can choose from, in addition to a variety of degree options and specializations, this is a legitimate option for those who wish to gain knowledge about new subjects.

Is Coursera Free?

Coursera classes are audit-free, which means you can take classes at your convenience and not pay for them.

But, if you’d like access to grades on assignments or receive any Certificate, You must pay. There are some courses available on Coursera which can be accessed by paying a membership fee.

How do I get free certificates from Coursera?

In most instances, you’ll need to pay to get a certificate for participating in the Coursera course.

If you enroll in an unpaid class and “audit” it, you cannot access all Coursera features. The good news is that Coursera occasionally provides promotions that allow users to get a complimentary certificate for courses.

Are Coursera Courses Good?

Are Coursera courses good? Naturally, it’s an individual decision. But, most reviewers say they are satisfied with the high-quality offerings available on this platform.

The courses are provided by the top institutions and colleges worldwide and taught by experts in their field, and you won’t find mediocre instruction here.

Are Coursera Courses Recognized & Accredited?

Most Coursera courses are accredited and recognized by the top institutes in the world. Many courses on this site are taught in collaboration with some of the world’s best institutions. Because you are often able to get certificates of completion, they’re also acknowledged by many employers.

If you’re keen on earning credentials that could be transferred to other institutions, You should think about pursuing the degree or MasterClass via Coursera.

They are more expensive, they can cost thousands of dollars, but once you’re done, you’ll be qualified to apply to other institutions.

Can You Put a Coursera Certificate on Your Resume?

Nothing is stopping you from putting a Coursera class on your resume. You will likely be tempted to make it a MOOC course and then use it as an example of ongoing professional growth in the field of your interest. It can ultimately enhance your resume and prove to prospective employers that you’re interested in your area of expertise.



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