
Best Mba partial scholarship 2022

Best Mba partial scholarship 2022


Best Mba partial scholarship 2022

(Intake: October 2022 |

Apply for Partial Scholarship- available up to 30% till october 2022)
15 Available seats
Open Intake – October 2022.
Apply for Partial Scholarship- available up to 30% till october 31st, 2022.

Our MBAs are officially recognized among the best on a global level by Eduniversal Ranking.
Top 100 – Global Ranking
Rated 59th among part-time MBAs worldwide

Best Mba partial scholarship 2022 PROGRAM FEATURES

Learning Formula- On- Campus and 100% Online
Intake Cohort- April and October each year.
Accredited Master’s Certification – 60 ECTS
Language – English
2 Weekends per month ( Fortnightly)
Duration- 1 year

The dynamic situation of the modern business world requires qualified professionals with a solid knowledge of the different management areas and well-developed personal skills, such as versatility, adaptability, reflection, determination and creativity of the institution


Best Mba partial scholarship 2022 the Executive MBA

is the leading management training program, which equips its participants to reach positions of responsibility in a company by acquiring the executive skills required to manage and lead companies and institutions.

As such, as well as sound management training, an MBA ensures recognition from the entire business community. Therefore, it is the best program for gaining and consolidating new tools and knowledge, through international experience, practical leadership and an enhanced entrepreneurial mindset.

The International MBA has been designed so that participants can improve and increase their knowledge of business management and administration, work with the main management tools and strengthen their managerial,

the leadership and analytical skills and competences, work in diverse teams and put what they learn into practice on daily basis. The Program focuses on understanding all areas involved in the management of organizations, with a complete overview of the company, the way it functions and how it is organized, enabling participants to achieve maximum career impact.


82% Increased Professional Responsibilities
90% Improved Decision-Making Capability
79% of students increase their salary after the completion of their master programs
68% of Alumni got a new offer and promotions
50% of students are employed in a multinational company
58% are now successful Manager and Directors in their respective organizations


Best Mba partial scholarship 2022 OBJECTIVE

Develop core business competencies and leadership excellence
Promoting the essential knowledge needed to organize the different departments of a company: Marketing, Finance, Accounting,

Human Resources, and Operations. Developing capacities and gaining the tools required for effective leadership: Teamwork, Motivation, Communication, Business Ethics, and Social Responsibility. Gaining insight into the perspective of a senior manager or executive and understand the larger context of management.

Develop entrepreneurial spirit, create, plan and grow
Enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit and laying the foundations for the creation of new businesses, while also fostering innovation and creativity. Operating with ease in complex and competitive national and international organizations, within a framework of sustainable development and growth

Best Mba partial scholarship 2022
Manage emerging technologies, innovation and change, and build disruptive skills for global business immersion
Managing the organization’s flexibility in response to new technologies, new markets, innovation, and the evolution of society.

Adapting to and anticipating the need to change the organization with the key objective of remaining competitive especially within an international global context. Learning and understanding the use of new emerging technologies and the application of data for transforming and developing business in today’s digital age in technologies

Best Mba partial scholarship 2022 INTEGRATION PARTNERSHIP

The fallout of the partnership between Rome Business School Nigeria

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