
Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022


Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Are you looking for your kid to go to one of the top Japanese high schools but do not have the required language skills or the right information? Here are 11 Tokyo schools that accept international students and offer sufficient support to their linguistic and cultural needs until graduation.


Japan’s compulsory schooling ends at the end of the 9th grade, and students who want to continue their education should be able to find an upper secondary school that is suitable for them. There are various options available to international students looking to go to one of the top Japanese secondary schools.

In this article, we will not just provide a list of the top Japanese high schools but will also give a broad outline of the Japanese education system.

How Do Japanese High Schools Function?

Are you looking to send your child to attend school in Japan, and you wonder what the experience of high school will be like, or do you wish to know more about Japanese culture at high school?

Let’s look at students’ experiences in high school in Japanese private and public institutions.

Academic, vocational, and the new comprehensive high schools are the three hierarchically arranged types of high schools available to students in high school. Students at high schools participate in extracurricular activities and work part-time hours during the daytime. Nearly two-thirds of high school students attend colleges or special training schools. Admission to universities, however, isn’t a particularly difficult process. The highest 20-30 percent of students in high school will be likely to put in the effort to be admitted to top schools. Over half of high school students spend just an hour or so per day.

A majority of 5,450 Japanese secondary schools in Japan are government schools governed by the board that regulates prefectural education. Alongside fifteen national high schools linked to national universities and 104 newly integrated six-year secondary institutions, around one-fourth (24 percent) of the high institutions are privately owned (Monbukagakusho 2004a).

Students who suffer from hearing impairments, vision difficulties, physical handicaps, mental retardation, or chronic illness are treated by special high schools designed specifically for disabled children.

About 73 percent of high school students attend high school for academics to prepare them for college. Vocational high schools are home to about one-fourth of all high school students. Commercial, technical, and agricultural high schools are three kinds of vocational schools. Comprehensive courses including nursing, home economics, social welfare, fishing, sciences, information science arts, physical education, international relations, music, and English are available at certain vocational and academic high schools.

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

With more students choosing high schools over vocational schools, schools are losing students. Many vocational education schools are converting to academic or comprehensive high schools to draw in more talented students. In addition, as the number of high school pupils has declined, some less well-known high schools have been shut down or joined with other schools. Since many students opt to pursue a career in the workplace instead of attending the less prestigious academic high schools, technical high schools, and the nursing program at high schools, they have risen in popularity in the economic recession. ~

Liste Of Japanese High Schools

Here is a list of the top Japanese schools that regularly accept international students.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School

It is believed that the Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School is, often referred to as Kokusai Koko, the most prestigious public international high school anywhere in the world. It is among the top 10 percent of Tokyo metropolitan high schools. Six out of six schools designed specifically for students from abroad have an English website.

Kokusai (the Japanese term for international) emphasizes building students’ language abilities and provides a variety of language courses, such as French, German, Spanish, and more. Students can sign up for the program twice per year, in April and September. In Komaba, Meguro Ward, the school accepted students from 25 countries in April 2017 and about five students in September. Additionally, the school has students in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, mostly taught in English. Up to 25 Japanese and international students can be admitted to the program every year.

One of the best features is that it provides international students with unique Japanese courses and puts them in every subject (including math and science, and languages) according to their level of skill. The school is extremely international, with both returning and international students from all over the world.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Asuka High School

Asuka High School is situated within Oji, Kita Ward, and boasts an increased ratio of teachers to students than other schools. This allows it to offer smaller classes categorized by the talent in English math, science, and Japanese. It offers two main courses: foreign culture and life and art studies. Although it has a website in Japanese exclusively, Asuka advertises itself as active in promoting international exchange and an excursion in Australia during the 2nd year. In the annual intake of around 130 students, the school generally admits 20 foreigners in April and three in September.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu Nishi High School

The school located in Fuchu West Tokyo is proud of the quality of its education. It offers short courses that are divided depending on the students’ abilities. They also use technologies for information and communication to help educate. The primary curriculum is focused on information technology, with the human and science streams starting in the second year.

Fuchu Nishi had 15 spaces open for international students in its admissions from April to the school year 2017. It also had three rooms in September.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Minamikatsushika Senior High School

The Tokyo Metropolitan Minamikatsushika Senior High School typically has 15 students outside Japan in April and three students in September. It provides short courses for 20-30 students across a range of fields and also splits mathematics and English sessions according to students’ abilities. On Saturdays, the school offers additional study classes for volunteers. Further details on the school’s admission requirements canĀ be located here.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Tagara High School

Tagara High School typically admits twenty international students during the admissions process in April, including six students in general education and fourteen in a foreign-language course. In September, one more non-Japanese pupil was accepted to the primary curriculum, and two were admitted to the foreign language course.

Tagara is located within Hikarigaoka, Nerima Ward, a school that teaches Japanese practices and customs in the third year.

  1. Tokyo Metropolitan Takenodai High School

The institution is situated in Higashi-Nipporiin, the Arakawa Ward, and it generally accepts International students from April and three in September to take its general education class. It offers various types after school, on weekends, and during the summer vacation and the opportunity to study independently.

  1. Kanto International Senior High School

Kanto International School is a co-educational, private school offering three study tracks: general education, foreign studies, and performing arts. International students are admitted only into the public education track’s Japanese cultural course. Of a total annual enrollment of 360 students, it offered 20 students to apply as returned students or foreign residents for 2017.

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Kanto International has been classified as a “Super English Language High School” by the Ministry of Education. The Japanese high school strongly advocates for English language and culture studies. It is responsible for preparing an English-focused curriculum and conducting studies to develop productive collaborations between junior high schools and universities.

Kanto International Senior High School is located in Shinjuku. It had an admission cost of 240,000 in 2017 and a monthly tuition cost of approximately 31,500, and other charges.

  1. International Christian University High School

International Christian University High School is another school that has made it onto our top 10 list for Japanese schools for high-school students. The school is situated within the International Christian University (ICU) grounds, located in Koganei City, western Tokyo. It is proud to be one of Japan’s best private high schools.

Students from abroad make up over half of the student population. Except for classes instructed by native English students, most courses are taught in Japanese. ICUHS has been designated as a “Super Global School” as part of a government initiative designed to develop leaders who can play actively in the international arena.

ICUHS accepted applications from 80 students entering the first year in April of 2017, including the smallest number of international students. The cost for the 2016 school year included a $330,000 entrance fee and a 591,000 per year tuition cost, and other things. There’s also a dorm available at ICUHS.

  1. Keika Gakuen

The Hakusan Institute in the Bunkyo Ward houses two junior and senior secondary schools specifically for men and a senior and junior secondary school specifically for girls. The school for boys has ten vacant spaces open to students from abroad in the old and junior high sections at the beginning of the academic year 2017. The school also gave a small number of slots during the semester under the category of returning students. The student’s nationality is not an issue that opens the type to students from abroad.

Each school for girls was designed to admit five students and some other students as returnees throughout the school year, ensuring that nationality is not an issue. Along with additional fees, they charge each school an entry fee of $250,000, as well as the tuition per month is about $34,000.

  1. Otsuma Tama Junior and Senior High School

Each year, some spots are available for international students to attend this girls’ private school located in Tama City in western Tokyo. Otsuma is an all-year high school that serves as a senior and junior high school. Therefore, its admissions process starts in the seventh grade. The first three years of junior high school focus on developing basic academic skills, while the last three years are focused on college preparation. For more information on fees and application forms for admission, get directly with the institution.

Japanese High School Uniform

Japanese uniforms for school are typically used in middle and high schools. Private schools, however, might have Japanese school uniforms for elementary students. The uniforms for schools in Japan come in two distinct designs. There is the traditional or more modern style of uniform. The uniforms typically are blue, black, green, and white. A conventional Japanese uniform is inspired by Meiji formal wear and naval uniforms, providing distinctive looks for boys and girls.

For example, the Sailor suit, also known as sailor fuku, referred to naval uniforms and was created around 1920 through Utako Shimoda. The case was simple to make and was influenced by the European royal clothing for children. It’s typically made of:

  • The white shirt has short sleeves. the shirt with a sailor collar
  • A bowtie, scarf, or tie
  • Skirt with pleating
  • Socks with navy, white or black
  • Loafers in black or brown

The navy-style collar, with its stripes and the collar flap, makes this collar stand out from other garments. Women typically add a sweater to their outfits to stay warm in winter.

Another well-known Japanese uniform for boys is the Gakuran which was inspired by Prussian uniforms for soldiers and was a part of the shift in the patriotic Japanese society after World War I. Traditional Japanese costume includes the following things:

  • A high-collared coat with a high collar in the dark blue or black (with prominent bronze or gold buttons that run along the front)
  • A unisex white collared sweater.
  • Slacks
  • Black or brown leather loafers or sandals

Today, most Japanese uniforms for high school are now more modern in style. Although the uniforms of different schools might differ in design because of other elements and materials, the basic elements of the uniforms of the typical Japanese student are generally identical.

Modern uniforms are similar to western parochial outfits. Stylish uniforms will contain the following elements:

  • Blazer
  • Trousers
  • White shirt
  • Tie
  • Black leather shoes

Certain schools require students to wear caps as part of their uniforms.

Japanese Schooling System

The Japanese education system consists of six-year-old elementary schools, junior high schools, three-year-olds, and three-year high schools, followed by two or three junior colleges or four-year universities. Education for the compulsory duration is nine years, from primary school to senior high school. School exchanges are usually held within junior and senior high schools throughout Japan Educational Travel. A program called “Special Education for Special Needs” assists students with mental or physical disabilities to develop self-confidence and enhance their social interaction.

What time do schools begin? InIn Japan?

A typical school day for students in Japanese high schools could start at 6:45 a.m. or 7:45 a.m. Japanese high school students are not required to travel to school by car as their American peers do. Most children have to ride or walk to school if their residence isn’t too far away.

Since the school day starts around 8:30 a.m. for these students, they can leave home in the early hours of 6:30 a.m. They’ll be required to take the bus or let their parents take them to school. While some students can sleep or work during long travels, the public transport system enables them to meet their classmates.

Children in schools are often required to take trains and buses with seats left open for passengers who are not on the same train to use as a courtesy.

How Long Does Summer Break Last in Japan?

Japanese schooling is divided into three terms which are separated by holidays.

The summer break for most schools runs for 40 days between July 20, July 20, and August 31, August 31, while winter and spring vacations run for ten days, ranging from December 26, December 26, and January 6 and from March 25 to approximately April 5, respectively. The academic year starts in April, following the end of spring break.

Japanese School Schedule

In Japan, public schools are available every week, between Monday and Friday. There are sessions on Saturdays at several schools. Each day at middle and high school, there are six class times which last 50 minutes each. Students tidy the classrooms on a rotating basis after school and then start their club activities. There are many clubs to join, which include sports and cultural clubs.

The academic year generally is in April and runs through March of the following year. Most universities use three semesters, with the first semester starting from April through August. The second semester runs from September until December, while the final semester runs from January until March. There are also summer breaks (from July’s end until the closing of August) as well as a winter break (from the close of December to January 1) and the Spring break (from the close of March to the start of April) (from the beginning of March until when April begins).

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Japanese Grading System

In Japan, the assessment of academic performance is extremely thorough. Continuous attention is paid to the lows and highs of candidates. It is easily sufficient for families to grasp. If a student progresses in his studies, he is introduced to a more sophisticated marking system.

In Japanese education, the grading system based on performance is different from school to school and from university to university. The most common grading method uses percentages or grades like A, B, C, D, or the letter E. Each stage is the range of a specific portion.

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

In Japan, education is made up of the following elements:

  • Elementary Level Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Education in High School

Every child in Japan must be in primary education for six years and secondary school for three consecutive years. The pattern of the exam for the elementary, secondary, and high schools is almost identical. However, all students can pass the exam in the middle level of education, i.e., secondary school. In the same classroom, no students are failing or left behind. Whatever their performance in the exam or the grades they earned, the students are all transferred to the next class.

Every academic activity and subject is taught to secondary and elementary school students. All students must take an examination. Even if a student does not pass, they can advance into the following class, regardless of their performance on the exam or test.

However, students must be sure to complete all the tests seriously as they are the basis for the subsequent examinations that they have to take to be admitted into a school of their choice. Today, parents are more worried about getting their children to reputable schools. Parents also send their children to private schools to help prepare for entrance examinations. Below is an example of the typical grading system used in the traditional Japanese high schools could be like:

Grade Scale Class Description US Grade Notes

S 90.00 – 100.00 Exquisite A Rarely do you get it.

A 90.00 – 100.00 Exquisite A

A 80.00 – 89.99 Very Excellent A

B 70.00 – 79.99 Good B

C 60.00 – 69.99 Completely satisfied C

F 0.00 – 59.99 Fail F

P Pass P

The system for grading students in universities and colleges is built around five scales: A S B, C, and F. If students fail any of the subjects at the postgraduate or degree stage, they will have to take the test the next semester

.Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Different types of Japanese High Schools

Japan high schools in Japan are divided into three kinds:

1. High-quality academic schools attract the best of students. They also most of their graduates to elite universities across the nation.

2. The schools that are not elite academically teach students at lesser-known junior colleges or universities. Still, they have a significant percentage of their students to special private schools which teach subjects like language, bookkeeping, and computer programming. The schools form part of the regular secondary school systems.

3. Vocational High Schools offer courses in technology, business and agriculture, home science nursing, fishing, and business. Around 60% of graduates are employed full-time.

4. Correspondence High Schools offer an individualized type of education to 1.6 percent of students in high schools, most students who haven’t completed high school for various reasons.

5. Evening High School, which was once a place for students with limited resources, but who were able to work hard and increase their academic performance. In recent years the schools tend to be attended by demotivated students from the lowest two percentiles of academic performance.

Best Japanese High Schools scholarship 2022

Does the High School of Japan Free?

In Japan, the high school level is not required. Even public high schools have charges. But, when you compare it with the other costs associated with educating their children, public high schools’ tuition is just a small amount. There aren’t any entry examinations or tuition fees at secondary and public schools, and the materials are available.

What is the cost of high school? In Japan Cost?

Based on the Ministry of Education, the typical high school student in the public sector paid 112,000 yen in school tuition in 2006. This is in no way excessive for households with low incomes.

In the same way, the average public high school student pays 176,000 yen annually for juku or cram schools.

All in all, parents pay 520,000 yen annually for their child’s education when the child attends an institution of publicly-funded high school. This is about 50% less than private school students paying around 1,045,000 dollars annually (including fees of 785,000 and juku of 260,00).

Parents spend an average of 2.76 million yen during the six years of primary school if the child is enrolled in an institution of public service and 8 million yen when the child is enrolled in private institutions.

While there aren’t any fees for tuition at public elementary or middle schools, they do have additional fees. It includes meals, which usually cost around 40,000 per year in addition to Kyoikuhi, or “training costs” for such things as field trips.

Additional resources (textbooks are offered free of charge) cost about 55,000 yen annually for elementary school and 130,000 yen for high school.

A high school student in a public school typically pays 471,000 yen for a year, while an individual student at a private school spends 1,269,000 yen.

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