How Safe is Egypt to Travel?

Traveling to Egypt offers a unique chance to explore ancient wonders and vibrant culture, but safety is an important consideration for many travelers. With its rich history and iconic landmarks like the Pyramids of Giza and the Nile River, Egypt attracts millions of visitors each year. Yet, just like any destination, understanding the safety landscape can make your trip more enjoyable and stress-free.

Before you set off, it’s natural to wonder about the safety of your travel plans. From navigating bustling city streets to exploring remote archaeological sites, knowing what to expect can help you prepare. Safety in Egypt can vary based on factors such as the region you’re visiting and the activities you plan to do.

Local conditions, including transportation options, health services, and cultural norms, play a crucial role in shaping your travel experience. Being aware of these aspects can help you navigate your journey with confidence. Keeping informed about local news, understanding common tourist concerns, and preparing for potential challenges will contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable visit.

As you plan your trip to this fascinating country, understanding the safety aspects will allow you to focus on the incredible experiences awaiting you, from exploring ancient temples to enjoying local cuisine. Egypt’s rich history and warm hospitality offer much to discover, and being well-prepared can enhance your adventure while ensuring a memorable and safe travel experience.

How Safe is Egypt to Travel?

When considering a trip to Egypt, understanding its safety for tourists is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Egypt is renowned for its ancient monuments, like the Pyramids of Giza and the temples of Luxor, attracting many visitors each year. However, it’s important to stay informed about the current safety situation to ensure your trip goes smoothly.

As of now, Egypt is generally considered safe for tourists, but safety levels can vary depending on where you go. Major tourist destinations such as Cairo, Luxor, and the Red Sea resorts are usually well-patrolled and receive considerable attention from local authorities to ensure visitor safety. These areas are equipped with good facilities and have a significant presence of security personnel to safeguard tourists.

Travel advisories from various countries often provide up-to-date information about safety conditions. These advisories might highlight certain areas to avoid or suggest extra caution depending on the current situation. It’s wise to check these advisories before you travel and stay updated throughout your trip.

In addition to official travel advisories, many travelers find it helpful to read recent reviews and experiences shared by others who have recently visited Egypt. This can provide a practical sense of what to expect and any specific precautions you might need to take.

While Egypt is working hard to ensure the safety of its visitors, basic travel precautions still apply. Always keep your belongings secure, be cautious in crowded places, and follow local advice. By staying informed and prepared, you can enjoy the rich history and vibrant culture of Egypt with greater peace of mind.

Popular Tourist Areas in Egypt

Egypt is home to some incredible tourist destinations, each offering unique experiences and attractions. If you’re planning a trip, understanding the safety tips for major areas like Cairo, Luxor, and the Red Sea resorts will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit.


Cairo, Egypt’s vibrant capital, is famous for its historical landmarks, including the Pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian Museum. However, the city’s large population and busy streets can present some safety challenges.

Safety Tips for Cairo

  • Be Cautious in Crowds: Cairo’s markets and popular tourist spots can be crowded. Keep an eye on your belongings and avoid displaying expensive items, such as jewelry or cameras, to minimize the risk of theft.
  • Use Reputable Transport: Opt for well-known taxi services or rideshare apps rather than hailing taxis off the street. This helps ensure that you are using a reliable and safe mode of transportation.
  • Stay Informed: Pay attention to local news and follow any travel advisories or alerts. This will help you stay updated on any developments that might affect your travel plans.


Luxor is often referred to as the world’s greatest open-air museum, with its magnificent temples and tombs, such as those in the Valley of the Kings. The area is generally safe but requires some specific considerations.

Safety Tips for Luxor

  • Guided Tours: For exploring historical sites, consider joining guided tours. These guides are knowledgeable about the sites and can offer valuable insights, along with ensuring that you follow safe routes.
  • Stay Hydrated: Luxor can be very hot, especially during the summer months. Always carry water, wear sunscreen, and dress in lightweight, breathable clothing to stay comfortable and avoid heat-related issues.
  • Respect Local Customs: Dress modestly when visiting temples and other cultural sites. This shows respect for local traditions and helps you avoid unwanted attention.
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Red Sea Resorts

The Red Sea resorts, such as Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada, are known for their beautiful beaches and underwater activities like snorkeling and diving. These areas are popular with tourists and have their own set of safety considerations.

Safety Tips for Red Sea Resorts

  • Swim in Designated Areas: Always swim in designated areas where lifeguards are present. These zones are monitored for safety, and swimming outside these areas can pose risks.
  • Be Cautious with Water Sports: While engaging in activities like diving or snorkeling, ensure that you use equipment from reputable providers and follow all safety instructions. It’s also a good idea to check for any specific warnings about local marine life.
  • Sun Protection: The sun can be intense, so use high SPF sunscreen, wear a hat, and stay hydrated. This will help you avoid sunburn and heat exhaustion.

By staying aware of these safety tips and planning accordingly, you can fully enjoy the rich history and stunning landscapes of Egypt’s major tourist destinations.

Local Crime Rates in Egypt

When traveling to Egypt, it’s important to be aware of local crime trends to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit. While Egypt is generally safe for tourists, understanding common types of crime and knowing how to avoid them can help you protect yourself and your belongings. Here’s a closer look at the most common types of crime and some practical tips for staying safe.

Petty Theft: A Common Concern

Petty theft, including pickpocketing and bag snatching, is a common concern in busy areas, particularly in major cities like Cairo. Criminals often target tourists who may be distracted or not paying close attention to their surroundings.

How to Avoid Petty Theft

  • Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded places such as markets, bus stations, and tourist attractions. Keep your belongings close and be cautious of individuals who seem overly interested in engaging with you.
  • Use Secure Bags: Choose a crossbody bag or a money belt that you can easily access and that is difficult for thieves to reach. Keep important items like passports and cash in these secure locations.
  • Avoid Flashy Items: Refrain from displaying expensive jewelry, cameras, or other valuable items that could attract unwanted attention. Keep these items hidden and only take out what you need.

Scams: Common Tourist Traps

Scams targeting tourists are another issue to be aware of. These scams can range from overcharging for services to more elaborate schemes designed to trick you out of money.

How to Avoid Scams

  • Verify Prices: Before agreeing to any service, whether it’s a taxi ride, a guided tour, or a meal at a restaurant, make sure you understand the cost and agree on it beforehand. Be wary of services that seem suspiciously cheap or overly eager.
  • Be Cautious with Offers: Be cautious of offers that seem too good to be true, such as overly cheap tours or free gifts. Scammers often use these tactics to lure tourists into paying hidden fees or giving personal information.
  • Use Trusted Providers: Stick to reputable companies for tours, transportation, and other services. Look for reviews and recommendations from other travelers to ensure you’re dealing with trustworthy businesses.

Harassment and Scams Involving Locals

In some tourist areas, you might encounter individuals who try to sell you things or ask for money in aggressive or persistent ways. While most people are friendly and genuine, it’s good to know how to handle these situations.

How to Handle Harassment

  • Politely Decline: If someone approaches you with a sales pitch or request for money, a polite but firm “No, thank you” is often enough. Avoid engaging in lengthy conversations or making eye contact if you’re uncomfortable.
  • Avoid Confrontation: If someone is being particularly pushy or aggressive, it’s best to walk away rather than confront them. Seek help from local authorities or security personnel if you feel threatened.
  • Respect Local Customs: Understanding and respecting local customs can help you avoid misunderstandings and reduce the likelihood of harassment. For example, dressing modestly and behaving respectfully can help you blend in and avoid unwanted attention.

In Case of an Emergency

Even with precautions, it’s essential to know what to do if you do encounter crime or need help.

What to Do in an Emergency

  • Contact Local Authorities: In case of theft or other crimes, report the incident to local police. They can help you recover stolen items and ensure your safety. Many tourist areas have police stations or tourist police available to assist.
  • Notify Your Embassy: If you lose important documents like your passport or experience a serious issue, contact your embassy or consulate. They can provide assistance and help you navigate any bureaucratic challenges.
  • Stay Calm and Seek Help: In any emergency situation, staying calm and seeking help from trusted sources, such as hotel staff or local authorities, is crucial for resolving the situation effectively.
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By staying aware of common crime trends and taking practical steps to protect yourself, you can enjoy your visit to Egypt with greater peace of mind. Being prepared and informed helps you make the most of your travel experience while staying safe.

Transportation Safety in Egypt

Navigating Egypt’s transportation system can be an adventure of its own. Whether you’re using public transport, hailing a taxi, or using rideshare apps, being aware of safety tips can make your travel smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe while getting around.

Public Transport

Egypt’s public transport system includes buses and the Cairo Metro, which can be convenient but come with their own set of considerations.

Tips for Using Public Transport

  • Stay Aware of Your Belongings: Public buses and the metro can be crowded, especially during peak hours. Keep your belongings secure and be cautious of pickpockets. Use a money belt or secure bag to protect your valuables.
  • Know Your Route: Before boarding, familiarize yourself with your route and stops. It helps to have a map or navigation app handy to avoid confusion. If you’re unsure, ask for directions from locals or the staff at the station.
  • Travel During Daylight: For safety reasons, try to use public transport during the day. While the metro is generally safe, it’s always better to avoid traveling alone at night.


Taxis are widely available in Egypt, but ensuring a safe ride involves a few key practices.

Tips for Taking Taxis

  • Use Reputable Services: Where possible, use established taxi services or apps like Uber or Careem. These services usually offer better safety and fare transparency compared to hailing taxis off the street.
  • Agree on the Fare: If you’re not using a rideshare app, make sure to agree on the fare with the driver before starting your journey. Some taxis may not use meters, so agreeing on a price upfront can prevent disputes.
  • Verify the Taxi: When using a traditional taxi, check that the vehicle is registered and that the driver has proper identification. It’s also a good idea to let someone know your route and expected arrival time.

Rideshare Apps

Rideshare apps like Uber and Careem offer a modern alternative to traditional taxis and have become popular in Egypt’s major cities.

Tips for Using Rideshare Apps

  • Verify Your Ride: Before getting into a rideshare vehicle, verify that the car model, color, and license plate match the details provided in the app. Also, check that the driver’s name and photo match those in the app.
  • Share Your Trip: Most rideshare apps allow you to share your trip details with friends or family. This feature can enhance your safety by keeping others informed of your whereabouts.
  • Rate Your Driver: After your ride, rate the driver and provide feedback. This helps maintain high standards of service and safety for future users.

By following these tips, you can navigate Egypt’s transportation system with confidence, making your travel experiences both safe and enjoyable.

Health and Medical Services in Egypt

Traveling to Egypt involves some essential health preparations to ensure you stay well during your trip. Here’s a straightforward guide on healthcare facilities, vaccinations, and general health tips.

Healthcare Facilities: What to Expect

Egypt has a range of healthcare facilities, from local clinics to large hospitals, especially in major cities like Cairo and Alexandria. Major hospitals and international clinics usually offer good services and can handle a variety of medical needs.

Tips for Using Healthcare Facilities

  • Know Where to Go: Before traveling, identify nearby hospitals or clinics close to your accommodation. Many hotels can recommend trusted healthcare providers if needed.
  • Travel Insurance: Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. This can help with expenses and provide access to better medical care if needed.
  • Emergency Numbers: Familiarize yourself with local emergency numbers. In Egypt, the emergency services number is 122 for police and 123 for ambulances.

Vaccinations: What You Need

Before traveling to Egypt, check with your healthcare provider about recommended vaccinations. Common vaccinations include:

  • Routine Vaccinations: Ensure you’re up-to-date on routine vaccines like MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), tetanus, and diphtheria.
  • Hepatitis A and B: Hepatitis A is recommended due to potential food and water contamination. Hepatitis B might be advised depending on your planned activities.
  • Typhoid: If you plan to visit rural areas or eat street food, a typhoid vaccine may be advisable.
  • Malaria: While malaria is not widespread in Egypt, some areas, especially near the Nile, might pose a risk. Check with your doctor if you need antimalarial medication.
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Tips on How to Stay Healthy in Egypt

  • Drink Safe Water: Stick to bottled or boiled water to avoid waterborne illnesses. Avoid ice in drinks and be cautious with uncooked food.
  • Food Safety: Eat at reputable restaurants and avoid street food if you have a sensitive stomach. Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Sun Protection: Egypt’s sun can be intense. Use sunscreen, wear a hat, and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and sunburn.

By taking these health precautions, you can enjoy your time in Egypt while staying healthy and well-prepared for any medical needs that might arise.

Natural Disasters and Climate in Egypt

Egypt’s climate and natural disaster risks are important factors to consider when planning your trip. Understanding these aspects can help you prepare and stay safe during your visit.

Egypt’s Climate: What to Expect

Egypt’s climate is predominantly arid, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild winters. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect:

  • Extreme Heat: Summers in Egypt can be very hot, especially in desert areas and cities like Cairo. Temperatures can soar above 100°F (38°C) from June to August. It’s important to stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and wear lightweight, breathable clothing to avoid heat exhaustion.
  • Mild Winters: Winters are generally mild, with temperatures ranging from 50°F to 70°F (10°C to 21°C). It’s a pleasant time to visit if you prefer cooler weather. However, evenings can be chilly, so bringing a light jacket or sweater is advisable.
  • Rainfall: Rainfall is minimal and mostly occurs in the winter months, particularly along the Mediterranean coast. In Cairo and other inland areas, rain is rare, but when it does occur, it can be heavy and lead to localized flooding.
  • Natural Disasters: Risks and Precautions
    While Egypt is not prone to major natural disasters, there are a few risks you should be aware of:
  • Sandstorms: Sandstorms, or “khamsin” winds, are common in Egypt, especially in the spring. These storms can reduce visibility and cause respiratory issues. To stay safe during a sandstorm, stay indoors if possible, keep windows and doors closed, and avoid outdoor activities. If caught outside, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth.
  • Earthquakes: Egypt occasionally experiences small earthquakes, though they are not usually severe. Most areas are not highly seismically active, but it’s good to be aware of basic earthquake safety measures, such as staying away from glass windows and heavy objects.
  • Flooding: In rare cases, heavy rains can cause flooding in low-lying areas. This is more likely in coastal regions or along the Nile. If you are in an area prone to flooding, follow local news for weather updates and be prepared to move to higher ground if necessary.

By understanding Egypt’s climate and potential natural disaster risks, you can take steps to stay safe and comfortable throughout your visit. Being prepared for the weather and any occasional environmental challenges will help you enjoy all that Egypt has to offer.

Why Travel Insurance is Essential for Your Trip to Egypt

Travel insurance is a crucial part of preparing for your trip to Egypt. It provides protection and peace of mind by covering unexpected events that could affect your travel plans. Here’s why having travel insurance is important and what it should cover:

Why Travel Insurance Matters

  • Medical Emergencies: Health issues can arise unexpectedly, and medical costs can be high, especially if you need treatment or emergency evacuation. Travel insurance covers medical expenses, so you don’t have to worry about paying out-of-pocket for hospital visits or treatment.
  • Trip Cancellation: Sometimes, you may need to cancel or cut short your trip due to unforeseen events, such as a family emergency or illness. Travel insurance can reimburse you for non-refundable expenses, like flights and hotel bookings, if you need to cancel your trip.
  • Lost or Stolen Belongings: If your luggage is lost or stolen, travel insurance can help cover the cost of replacing essential items. It’s also useful for compensating you for any personal items that are damaged or taken during your trip.
  • Flight Delays or Cancellations: Delays and cancellations can disrupt your travel plans. Insurance can cover additional expenses like accommodation and meals if you are stranded due to a delayed or canceled flight.

What Travel Insurance Should Cover

  1. Emergency Medical Coverage: Ensure your policy includes coverage for medical emergencies and evacuation. This is especially important in case you need treatment or need to return home for medical reasons.
  2. Trip Interruption or Cancellation: Look for coverage that reimburses you for costs related to trip cancellations or interruptions. This includes non-refundable flight tickets, hotel reservations, and tour bookings.
  3. Lost or Stolen Property: Make sure your policy covers loss or theft of personal belongings, including luggage and valuables.
  4. Travel Delays: Choose a policy that compensates for extra expenses incurred due to flight delays or cancellations.

Having the right travel insurance ensures that you’re protected from unexpected problems, allowing you to enjoy your trip to Egypt with greater peace of mind.

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